Thursday, February 9, 2012

Now we're here,What do YOU want?

                                                                               Because the loudest noise you will hear in the Arena Is YOU!

                                            M&S BOBCATS FOOTBALL

"SEEKING INVESTOR" for more info.e-mail us at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bobcats Football: Seeking

Bobcats Football: Seeking: Seeking to rent collateral for arena football team.Offering a 5% fee and shares/part owner.Future income from sales will be used as insuranc...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ten Things you need to know about the ARENA FOOTBALL GAME:

1. The field is an indoor,padded surface,28-30 yards wide and 50 yards long,with 5-8 yard end zones depending on the arena design,making the field about half he size of a standard outdoor one.

2.The sideline barriers are 48 inches high and made of high density foam rubber.

3.Eight players are on the field at a time on both offense and defense.

4.Players are permitted to play both offense and defense,and are referred to as "Iron Men".

5.Four 15-minutes quarters with a 15-minute halftime. The clock stops for out-of-bounds plays or incomplete passes only in the last minute of each half and when the referee deems it necessary for penalties,injuries or timeouts.

6.One receiver may move forward in motion before the snap.

7.Fans may keep any ball that goes into the stands.

8.Players can return missed field goals.

9.A ball that bounces off the wall barriers is live until it touches the ground.

10.Teams may attempt a drop-kick field goal that is worth four points.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Building Your Dreams

We will like to share our experiences with you, as a child we all grew up with the ideas of following your dreams of what we wanted to be or where we wanted to go. As children we are shape by experiences of others,our own experiences,our hopes and dreams.Remember the first time you were taken to a football game as a child,what happen whether it's little league or your High school game,the sound of the game,the smell of the popcorn, hamburgers,hotdogs,sodas,your team scoring a touchdown,and the cheerleaders cheering,the crowd roaring and the band playing your fight song.As we grow up these are memories that we cherish, because to day it doesn't matter what our ages are we still talk about those good ole days,where we were,what was it that we were doing,what clothing we had on. It doesn't matter who won or lost because WE WERE CREATING MEMORIES.

Memories and Experiences are what we cherish, now with the cost of going to an Nfl games in our lives is a stretch,so come along with me in helping build the dream for your children,so they have the stories to tell, the experiences to share and the memories to cherish.Where can you go where you kid can keep the game ball,be introduce with the players on his birthday,have a party in his or her honor. My Game Arena Football BOBCATS Style at a cost your whole family can enjoy.

It takes commitment,trust,and support on the field,in the community or on the bottomline to make dreams work.CALL NOW  813-841-1274 or E-mail Now at to share your thoughts and support

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sports Marketing (SECRETS)

Sports is a wonderful medium that a company can utilize to create brand awareness,traffic building and also advertise your products.With the potential to reach out to the masses and impact thousands of lives.Using proven media such as radio,internet,newspapers,mobile billboards or television,sport events crosses over cultural boundaries like language or nationality.

The secret to sports marketing sponsorship campaigns are really to tailor the campaigns to your company's needs or objectives.By doing this your will be able to generate much exposure for your company's brand,improving not only your products branding awareness but ultimately your sales.

Brainstorm your ideas to make promotions as effective as possible.If your promotions and packages are similar to other companies,why would your potential customers want to buy from you?Be unique,it will leave a deeper impression in the potential consumers minds, it is something that can see your company or your brand associated with passion.

Experience the Passion of arena football! SPONSOR BOBCATS FOOTBALL! Buy Now! E-mail us at

Post your comments whether you agree or disagree

Monday, July 25, 2011


I, like everyone else believes that a great presentation should answer all the objection of any business that we are presenting.What we fail to do is listen and ask question.
About a month ago I was invited to go to a presentation,i sat quietly and watched.My friend was presenting a proposal to an auto dealer representative,he begin the presentation,we sometime call the 20/80 rule...all about him,his company,and his portfolio.After his meeting was over we spoke about one hour.Feeling of passion and pride fill the car.As he said "I was on a roll".So I asked the question of many Did you get the Agreement? He replied "W-e-l-l.....NO,I didn't.Why not? I asked.He said "I really don't know." Ok, What happens next? The rep will give me a call next week. He answered.Are you going to follow up if he doesn't? I haven't thought about it.

Sometimes we forget what the goal is.It's not about making a great presentation or overcoming all the objectives.It should be about listen and asking questions so that we can find a solution to improve the bottomline of the companies we are speaking with.

My friend forgot the goal is to close the small business sale.

Do you agree? What would you have done differently?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where To Spend Your Precious Time

Your most important sentence in any ad,e-mail or letter is not the one at the end.It is the one at the beginning:THE HEADLINE.
Some years ago a study revealed a startling statistic 80% of advertisement are never read beyond the headline.If you don't start with something that grabs people,you're in trouble.The moral is simple.Spend more time on your headline.Than on anything else.For us Bobcats Football. WE CREATE MEMORIES,everything else is a by-product.
People are fascinated by people
People love stories
People loves football (ARENA)

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