Monday, July 25, 2011


I, like everyone else believes that a great presentation should answer all the objection of any business that we are presenting.What we fail to do is listen and ask question.
About a month ago I was invited to go to a presentation,i sat quietly and watched.My friend was presenting a proposal to an auto dealer representative,he begin the presentation,we sometime call the 20/80 rule...all about him,his company,and his portfolio.After his meeting was over we spoke about one hour.Feeling of passion and pride fill the car.As he said "I was on a roll".So I asked the question of many Did you get the Agreement? He replied "W-e-l-l.....NO,I didn't.Why not? I asked.He said "I really don't know." Ok, What happens next? The rep will give me a call next week. He answered.Are you going to follow up if he doesn't? I haven't thought about it.

Sometimes we forget what the goal is.It's not about making a great presentation or overcoming all the objectives.It should be about listen and asking questions so that we can find a solution to improve the bottomline of the companies we are speaking with.

My friend forgot the goal is to close the small business sale.

Do you agree? What would you have done differently?

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